With the boom in technology in this past decade, hospitality has changed immensely over the years. We live in a world where hotel technology trends have to be looked after every now and then. And many processes have been reinvented to improve our lives.
Your hotel reservation system is available for 24/7, it becomes more convenient for your guests to book anytime, anywhere and on their device of choice. Allowing bookings 24 hours a day will allow guests from different time zones to make bookings at times that are convenient for them.
There are still many small to medium sized hotels that do not use online booking systems. This puts them at a disadvantage as their market reach is significantly reduced. They limit themselves to outbound advertising and word of mouth which reduces their chances of getting bookings. Having an online booking system will allow you to have an edge over these competitors.
The booking process should be as simple and straightforward as possible. The more the hassle the more likely it is for guests to give up on the transaction. An example of this is when a potential guest finds out about you from their preferred social media site such as Facebook then is allowed to place a booking immediately within the site by simply hitting a “Book Now” button.
By having your own site and using direct booking, you have more funds to allocate for loyalty rewards that would have been previously paid as commission. You may promote these loyalty incentives on social media as a means to gradually build a following of loyal customers.
In conclusion, to increase your competitiveness in the hotel industry in Singapore, you must invest a hotel room automation solution or upgrade your hotel to an outstanding smart hotel system. Contact us to get more information.
Drop us an email to info@tricom-int.com or WhatsApp +65 8756 0133.
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